Glute Bridge, Single-Leg

Most people know the regular glute bridge, where you lie on your, back plant your heels with knees at 90 degrees, and thrust your hips up. While working out at home, I wanted something a little more difficult without having to find and put barbell plates on my hips. A more advanced version is the “Single Leg Glute Bridge”, where you keep one leg straight out and elevated and then use the other leg to perform the glute bridge alone. It’s harder because that one leg is doing all the work and is also carrying all the weight as you thrust your hips up. Try to hold each thrust for a couple of seconds. When you come back down on each rep, try to maintain muscle tension by not fully 100% coming down to the mat. Do 10 for each leg before taking a short 1-2 minute rest. That’s one set. Try to do 4 sets. See the video where I do a couple on each side for a quick demonstration of the movement. Also, it takes a little getting used to because isolating each leg does requires coordination and focus to make that mind-muscle connection. Before long you will be doing it perfectly and you’ll have stronger and more-toned glutes!

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